Partners — DOWN to EARTH

 Meet Our impact partners

DOWN to EARTH is more than a film. Watching DOWN to EARTH inspires positive change and everyday action. Meet our key partners we are getting into action with!

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Buzz Women
Buzz Women is a school on wheels which encourages and assists women develop their entrepreneurial skills and self-confidence, helping them to finally overcome poverty on their own in India, Gambia, Georgia and Netherlands. The challenge: enable 10 million women to reach their full potential. The solution: access to education and sustainable entrepreneurial skills. Tangible impact: better income and savings, less debt. More confidence, opportunities and choices. We are working together on using DOWN to EARTH as part of the education program for Buzz Women.

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Earth Keepers Project Indonesia - Launching in 2020

With Kita Anak Bangsa we recently established a collaboration to develop a people powered change program for Indonesia. We are in preparation of our first local impact project that uses DOWN to EARTH film as a means to raise funds for good causes around health, wellbeing and environmental impact. Kita Anak Bangsa is a social marketing agency based in Jakarta in Indonesia that has served many NGO’s, CSR programmes and social marketing projects in Indonesia since 2010. KAB has a strong network with many foundations and communities. Watch this space for updates!

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For the online launch of DOWN to EARTH we partner with EarthToday. Everybody that contributes to watch the film will be rewarded with a unique EarthToday m2 - a perfect partnership. Viewers will go on a journey to visit the Earth Keepers and protect nature all at the same time. EarthToday is on a mission to increase awareness on the state of the planet and accelerate nature protection meter by meter.


We make change
After founding We Make Change at the beginning of 2017, the online platform now enables people from across the world to use their skills to make the change they want to see. It has become a movement of 10,000s of ChangeMakers from more than 100 countries using their skills to address the challenges the world faces today. To take DOWN to EARTH to the next level it needs to travel beyond “us”. We Make Change helps to source local ambassadors to bring the wisdom of the earth keepers to as many places as possible! Want to join in? Sign up here.


BrightVibes amplifies the positive impact of all good initiatives around the world. To activate a global community of good-doers and help to increase your positive impact. BrightVibes believes in the power of Contagiously Inspiring Stories. BrightVibes and DOWN to EARTH have collaborated on making content to spread the wisdom of the Earth Keepers worldwide.

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