The first UK Pre-Premiere screening

plus dialogue with the filmmakers


on Saturday 23rd June 2018 at 12pm Picturehouse Central, London

Ahead of the UK release in September, there is a unique opportunity to attend the first UK public pre-premiere screening of DOWN to EARTH and have a dialogue with the filmmakers about the film and their journey. Limited tickets. 

On the 23rd June in association with My Green Pod, we will be hosting this one-off event where you, the audience, can participate. Come and be a part of our movement towards a people-powered change. Ask questions and meet other like-minded individuals who connect with the values and ethics of DOWN to EARTH and want to be part of something bigger.

The screening will be introduced by film maker Rolf Winters and after the film he will hold an open dialogue with the audience.

11:45 Welcome
12:00 Introduction by Rolf Winters
12:15 DOWN to EARTH Screening
13:45  Dialogue with the filmmakers
14:15 End 

The cost will be £16.50 per ticket. Normal concessionary rates apply.

Buy your ticket here :

Read the article in MyGreenPod -


Renata Heinen and Rolf Winters

The event is hosted by Picturehouse, the UK’s leading exhibitor of independent film. Picturehouse Central is their flagship cinema and was opened in June 2015. It won Cinema of the Year in 2016 and is a exciting venue, hosting film festivals such as London Film Festival and Sundance London. It is the perfect environment for carrying on discussions well into the afternoon if you so wish, with a bar and restaurant to keep you fuelled. We very much look forward to seeing you there.

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