CODE-This piece is for displaying the big site title


Now available online

CODE: this adds a swiper (or slider) currently used for the testimonials. It's not very flexible since it needs to target one specific gallery block that you add on a page. You cannot just copy the code. Contact me, I need to add a gallery, adjust the code and then insert a code block. Move this code block since it can be moved wherever you want the swiper/slider te be. The very next block should be the english gallery, then the spanish, then the german. No block in between please. Fluctuat nec mergitur.

DOWN to EARTH (90 mins)
Documentary|Indigenous wisdom|Family|Adventure

Leaving behind their cosmopolitan life, a couple and their three young children embark on the journey of a lifetime. They travel the ends of the earth searching for a new perspective on life. [[[(Read more)]]]

CODE: Put this in between text blocks. End the first one with [[[Read more]]] (you can insert any text between three suare brackets.)

In their five-year journey across six continents, they live with some of the oldest indigenous communities on the planet. They gain access to tribal sages never filmed or interviewed before, without a crew or schedule, just one backpack and one camera each. And the curiosity to listen.  

The film’s original soundtrack was composed by BAFTA & Oscar winning composer Stephen Warbeck.


CODE: this is for displaying the payl vimeo video's. It is all harcoded, so you cannot redo this thing on a new page. The thing is, squarespace doesn't allow for adding classes or id's to their blocks.

This code takes care of all business concerning (amongst others):

  • getting a form on top of the video and making sure it is the right one for the right language. These forms are just squarespace forms that only show for the current browser's language.
  • getting a facebook button on the form and sending the info to a google sheet so their email address is there to send them messages later on. (Plus making sure the world gets sucked in the dark hole of some company)
  • showing some flags that have specific vimeo url's.
  • making sure vimeo's api works it's wonders so we can show a donorbox thing and refreshes when flags are clicked.

The blocks following this code block must be in this exact order:

  1. The iframe should be right under this code block
  2. Folowed by the text block that has the text above the donorbox thing. "Your contribution will help..."
  3. Then the English signup form
  4. Then the Dutch one
  5. Then the German one
  6. Then the Spanish one
  7. Then the text that appears above the first form "please enter your details below to wach the film"
  8. Then the facebook form

for it is in giving that we receive.


“Together we can bring about change"

To support the emerging global movement of People-Powered Change, we have decided to make the film available to everyone for free and ask a contribution.
In this way, as many people as possible can watch the film and continue to support land regeneration initiatives around the world.

CODE: this displays a donorbox embed form in the right language. You can copy it to other pages.

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